Monday, August 31, 2009


Yea! I finally did it. I got the wood squirrel house up in the tree for Jay and Sabine Squirrel. I would be embarrassed to think of how many hours it took me and how many trips to the store to get longer screws, replace the screwdriver I lost, etc. But it's finally up and I hope they move in soon.
I placed 9 pieces of fabric on the fence for nesting material. Just enough to make a nine-patch quilt. Oops, hope I didn't give away too much of my next story.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Sometimes decisions are hard for me. I can see and understand both sides of an issue. I don't want to offend or leave out anyone. I want to make everyone happy. There are always so many options.

Today I had to work on a hard decision. First of all, I should have made it a month ago. Second of all, it involves a lot of people. I have to make a decision about where they are going to spend their vacation and how much money it will cost them. How much driving everyone has to do. And thirdly, in the middle of it, my internet connection went down.

But, thank you to my yard and to Sophia, who took my panicked call and told me how to fix the internet, I got through the day. I calmed myself down with digging and planting. I re-structured my back yard a bit around the new chicken fence. I watered. I staked up my growing lilies. And in the end, I had a wonderful conversation with a rental agent who may have the perfect house for us. And to top it all off, she is a fellow quilter.

Tomorrow I will rent a house with the confidence that once again I made a good decision.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The weekend

Home from a nice partial weekend at the coast with wonderful friends. I say partial because I drove back and forth to cover all my Saturday commitments. But it worked out well, because Donna could only be there one night. She was able to ride back to Eugene with me Sat. morn.

I came home to a dry yard, even after all the rain we had last week. I got a lot of work done in my front yard while I was watering. Yeah, I am getting closer to a great looking flower garden.

It's great to be home. The chickens and Cymba the cat were happy to see me as I was them. Sophia will be home soon and all is well

Friday, June 5, 2009

A favorite quote

"Not all those who wander are lost" by JRR Tolkein

Novel Writing Class

Tonight was my last writing class with Linda Clare. I will really miss it. But I am determined to continue writing and plan to take the essay class next fall.
Thank you to Linda. She is a great teacher.
My goal is to begin submitting "The Beautiful Nest" before the end of summer.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A beautiful morning

This morning when I got out of bed, the air was clean and fresh from the thunderstorm last night. The breeze was cool. The sun is peeking in and out of the clouds. A perfect day. I must keep myself inside to sew instead of outside planting.

So far, my chickens have been quiet this morning.

Angela wants me to give her daily updates on why she should want to leave her home in India she loves, and move to the USA. This calm morning is a perfect reason.

A day in my backyard farm

Well, the chickens, Abby and Beulah finally pushed me over the edge. I could not let them wander the yard anymore because they discovered the veggie garden, the sweet peas and the 4'oclocks.
Sophia and I built a new fence for them today. I hope they will be happy and quiet now, or they may find themselves in my crock pot.
I will have to re-configure the back yard a bit now. But I don't mind. More planting. Viney things to hide the chicken wire fence.
It's all fun.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

My first blog

I am taking a wonderful free class at the Eugene Public Library to set up my blog.